Charm periapt, amulets, and holy relics in the Ethnological department of the State museum of SarajevoA Samaritan Periapt[Radiographic study of the frequency of periaptical lesions]SubsumptioperiaateA review of the genus Potemnemus Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with description of a new species from Papua New Guinea.Zapisi, hamajlije i moći od pomoći Odjeljenja za etnologiju Zemaljskog muzeja u SarajevuGut hormone profiles in critically ill neonates on extracorporeal membrane oxygenationThe Transmission of Charms in English, Medieval and ModernThree-dimensional Quantitation of Periapical Lesions in Mice by Micro-computed Tomography and Immunologic ExaminationIMPROVED FLAME RETARDANT POLYMER COMPOSITIONS