perioticperioticEpithelial control of periotic mesenchyme chondrogenesis.The periotic of Moeritherium (Mammalia, Proboscidea): homology or homoplasy in the ear region of Tethytheria McKenna, 1975?Cooperative Function of Tbx1 and Brn4 in the Periotic Mesenchyme is Necessary for Cochlea FormationPetrosal (periotic) and inner ear of a Pliocene kogiine whale (Kogiinae, Odontoceti): implications on relationships and hearing evol...Systematic consideration of recent toothed whales based on the morphology of tympano-periotic boneMechanics of the inner ear of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana): the contact membranes and the periotic canalIn vitro growth and differentiation of mammalian sensory hair cell progenitors: a requirement for EGF and periotic mesenchymeLuo, Z. and K. Marsh. Petrosal (periotic) and inner ear of a Pliocene kogiine whale (Kogiinae, Odontoceti): implications on relation...