- Wait till I catch the little perisher!
Perisher Valley, New South Wales
Perisher valley for Zbigniew Herbert
Uphill climb for Perisher Skitube
'Perisher' sets the pass mark for submarine command
Skiing demand, commercial potential studied at Perisher
Member of the New South Wales Ski Patrol at the t-bar in Perisher Valley, New South Wales, 1965 [picture] /
Roman Catholic Church of St John the Apostle, Perisher Valley, Snowy Mountains, New South Wales, August 1965 [picture].
Australian Skier and Snowboarder Attitudes to Climate Change snowsport participants at Perisher ski resort Australia
Plan to clear snow from ski resort's roads gets cool response from environmentalists.(Perisher Blue Proprietary Ltd)(Brief Article)
A sensitivity analysis of the dissolved oxygen balance in an Australian stream [mathematical model, pollution, Perisher Creek, New S...