- This red line runs perpendicularly to the green line.
Perpendicularly-oriented inverted F antenna
Giant spin Hall effect in perpendicularly spin-polarized FePt/Au devices
Giant Spin Hall Effect in Perpendicularly Spin-polarized FePt/Au Systems
Large-Scale Synthesis of Perpendicularly Aligned Helical Carbon Nanotubes
Hydrothermal growth of perpendicularly oriented ZnO nanorod array film and its photoelectrochemical properties
Spin-polarized current-induced magnetization reversal in perpendicularly magnetized L10-FePt layers
Reducing the critical current for spin-transfer switching of perpendicularly magnetized nanomagnets
Magnetic Field Dependence of Current-induced Magnetization Reversal with Perpendicularly Magnetized FePt Layers
Novel low temperature solution deposition of perpendicularly orientated rods of ZnO: substrate effects and evidence of the importanc...
Superparamagnetic high-magnetization microspheres with an Fe3O4@SiO2 core and perpendicularly aligned mesoporous SiO2 shell for remo...