- Perquisites include the use of the company car.
福利包括可以使用公司的汽车。 - Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.
Perquisites, Risk, and Capital Structure
The Electoral Consequences of Perquisite Use: The Casework Case
An aesthetic perquisite of rectus muscle transplantation in extremity reconstruction
Splenectomy as perquisite for successful human ABO incompatible renal transplantation
Perquisite Spin‐off from Twenty‐Two Years of Measuring Background in the Whole Body Counter Steel Room
Bank ownership and executive perquisites: New evidence from an emerging market
Flights of fancy: Corporate jets, CEO perquisites, and inferior shareholder returns ☆
Contacting Congressional Constituents: Some Patterns of Perquisite Use
Managerial Power, Perquisite Consumption and Perfor-mance of Property Right: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies
Biologic significance of the erythrocyte complement receptor: a primate perquisite.