original persuading创作宗旨
persuading beneficence劝善
persuading function劝说功能
Persuading customers说服客户
Persuading Annie说服安妮
Persuading People劝告
persuading skill说服技能
persuading lection劝善文
Persuading Someone 劝说他人时 ; 劝说他人 ; 劝说别人时
Persuading and dissuading by conditional argument ☆
Motivating, influencing, and persuading users
Motivating, influencing, and persuading users
Constructing, persuading and silencing: the rhetoric of accounting standards
A Sober Second Thought: An Experiment in Persuading Russians to Tolerate
Student Preferences for Editing, Persuading, and Negotiating the Open Learner Model
Student Preferences for Editing, Persuading, and Negotiating the Open Learner Model
Persuading school-age cyclists to use safety helmets: Effectiveness of an intervention based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour.
Informing, Transforming, and Persuading: Disentangling the Multiple Effects of Advertising on Brand Choice Decisions
Informing, Transforming, and Persuading: Disentangling the Multiple Effects of Advertising on Brand Choice Decisions