- Your evidence is not so persuasiveness.
你的论据不太有说服力。 - Most interviewers are looking for positive statements,well-expressed ideas,persuasiveness,and clear thinking under pressure.
Persuasiveness of a Mobile Lifestyle Coaching Application Using Social Facilitation
Persuasiveness of a Mobile Lifestyle Coaching Application Using Social Facilitation
On increasing the persuasiveness of a low prestige communicator ☆
The Persuasiveness of Source Credibility: A Critical Review of Five Decades' Evidence.
Increasing the persuasiveness of fear appeals: The effect of arousal and elaboration.
Nonverbal concomitants of perceived and intended persuasiveness.
The Relative Persuasiveness of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages for Promoting Vaccination: A Meta-Analytic Review
Communication modality as a determinant of message persuasiveness and message comprehensibility.
The relative persuasiveness of gain-framed and loss-framed messages for encouraging disease prevention behaviors: a meta-analytic re...
Can including pros and cons increase the helpfulness and persuasiveness of online reviews? The interactive effects of ratings and ar...