Metaxytherium serresii (Mammalia: Sirenia) from the Early Pliocene of Libya and France: a reevaluation of its morphology, phyletic p...
The Heroes of Phyle
One Hundred Heroes of Phyle?
Host Range Evolution: The Shift From Native Legume Hosts to Alfalfa by the Butterfly, Colias philodice eriphyle
Kordiimonas gwangyangensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from marine sediments that forms a distinct phyletic lin...
Searching in a Patchy Environment: Foodplant Selection by Colis P. Eriphyle Butterflies
Emulsion liquid membrane extraction of organic acids—I. A theoretical model for lactic acid extraction with emulsion swelling
Battery operated lighting apparatus
Resource Allocation to Oocytes: Heritable Variation with Altitude in Colias philodice eriphyle (Lepidoptera)
Searching in patch environments: food plant selection by Colias p. eriphyle butterflies