Pick axeHints of the Pick-Axe: The Impact of Competition on Public Schooling in Milwaukee.Hammering implement, especially axe or pick-axeFurther Notes on the Shaft-Hole Pick-Axe from Khurāb, MakrānAhmad Kasravi and “Pick-Axe Politics”: Neckties and Literature as Western Tools of Cultural ImperialismMAGNETIZED PICK AXE AND METHOD OF FORMING SAME'Performing with a pick-axe': the first Vorticist exhibition at the Dore GalleriesPOLITICAL INTRIGUE, MECHANICAL INNOVATION, AND "THE PICK-AXE FACTOR.""Further Notes on the Shaft-Hole Pick-Axe from Khurāb, Makrān"Archaeology - Southwest: Pottery In-Situ with Pick Axe for Scale