Effects of pictorially-defined surfaces on visual searchOrder entry system including an interactive menu displayClues to Better English: 150 Words Often Confused or Misused, Pictorially Illustrated, 501 Self-Checks by William E. Finch; Robert ...Responses to class-inclusion questions for verbally and pictorially presented itemsVideo Annotation with Pictorially Enriched OntologiesField testing of consumer safety signs: the comprehension of pictorially presented messagesDynamic Pictorially Enriched Ontologies for Digital Video LibrariesPICTORIALLY ASSISTED RECALL OF PAST HORMONE USE IN CASE-CONTROL STUDIESInterpretation of pictorially presented social situations by learning disabled and normal childrenBehavioural responses to photographs by pictorially naïve baboons (Papio anubis), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan t...