- The picture book is an ideal for young children.
这本图画书适合孩子看。 - My little brother enjoys reading picture books.
Picture bookPicture-bookPicture bookAccelerating language development through picture book reading.Accelerating language development through picture book reading: A summary of dialogic reading and its effect.A picture book reading intervention in day care and home for children from low-income families.A stroll through the worlds of animals and men: A picture book of invisible worldsPicture book reading with young children: A conceptual framework.Picture-Book Reading in Mother-Infant Dyads Belonging to Two Subgroups in IsraelJoint picture-book reading correlates of early oral language skill.Age-related differences in the organization of parent-infant interactions during picture-book reading ☆Mothers’ Use of Cognitive State Verbs in Picture-Book Reading and the Development of Children’s Understanding of Mind: A Longitudi...The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics