The piebald-lethal murine strain: investigation of the cause of early death.
Piebald lethal (sl) acts early to disrupt the development of neural crest-derived melanocytes.
Human piebald trait resulting from a dominant negative mutant allele of the c-kit membrane receptor gene.
Quantitative trait loci that modify the severity of spotting in piebald mice
Targeted and natural (piebald-lethal) mutation of endothelin-B receptor produce megacolon associated with spotted color in mice
Deletion of c-KIT protooncogene in the human developmental defect of piebald trait
Deletion of the c-kit protooncogene in the human developmental defect piebald trait
Targeted and natural (piebald-lethal) mutations of endothelin-B receptor gene produce megacolon associated with spotted coat color i...
A new inbred strain JF1 established from Japanese fancy mouse carrying the classic piebald allele.
Anatomic modifications in the enteric nervous system of piebald mice and physiological consequences to colonic motor activity.