Official and Pietistic Elements of Jewish Apocalypticism
Perspectives on Antebellum Pietistic Politics
Sweden and the Holy Land: Pietistic and communal settlement
The Balkcom Case (1782) and the Pietistic Theory of Separation of Church and State
The Recent History of the Celestial Way: A Chinese Pietistic Association
Illuminated Piety: Pietistic Texts and Images in the North French Hebrew Miscellany, Los Angeles: Cherub Press 2013
Judaism and Hebrew Prayer: From printed prayers to the spread of pietistic ones
"Peering Through the Lattices": Mystical, Magical, and Pietistic Dimensions in the Tosafist Period
"Through the eye of a needle": The Role of Pietistic and Mystical Thought among the Anglican Elite in the Eighteenth Century Lowcoun...
"The Fairest among the So-Called White Races": Portrayals of Scandinavian Americans in the Filiopietistic and Nativist Literature of...