- Doctor advise him not to eat pinguid food.
PinguidMittetraditsioonilise õppija kutseõpingute valiku motiivid ja õpinguid mõjutavad teguridPinguid, the drosophila homolog of huntingtin interacting protein 14, encodes an essential protein involved in TGF beta signallingHistorical sources for Pynchon's Peter Pinguid SocietyThe Impact of Seasonal Flowering on the Biology of Some Tropical HummingbirdsEstonian lifestyle emigrants’ motivation to leave Estonia in young adulthoodAnalysis on the changing appearance of keratic precipitate after Posner Schlossman syndromeGarvey's ReturnItalian Journeys - The Road To Rome From Venice - Chapter 9. A Half-Hour At Herculaneum9. peatükk. Ülalpidamiskohustused perekonnas