- She turned a pirouette on the ice.
她在冰上做了个单足旋转动作。 - The skater executed a triple pirouette.
- You mean you can pirouette and all that sort of thing?
Jay’s Pirouette, or Why Political Trust is Not the Same as Personal Trust
Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Policy by J. L. Granatstein; Robert Bothwell
A Pirouette on a Metallofullerene Sphere: Interconversion of Isomers of N-Tritylpyrrolidino I¿ Sc3N@C80
A pirouette on a metallofullerene sphere: interconversion of isomers of N-tritylpyrrolidino I(h) Sc3N@C80
The anatomy and development of the mutants pirouette, shaker-1 and waltzer in the mouse.
Mutations in Grxcr1 Are The Basis for Inner Ear Dysfunction in the Pirouette Mouse
Myo15 function is distinct from Myo6, Myo7a and pirouette genes in development of cochlear stereocilia.
Characterization of Two Transgene Insertional Mutations at Pirouette, a Mouse Deafness Locus
Can we make a robot ballerina perform a pirouette? Orbital stabilization of periodic motions of underactuated mechanical systems ☆