pitching moment俯仰力矩
pitching angle俯仰角,倾角
pitching machine自动投球机
- As this athlete improves his power, his maximum pitching speed may not change at all.
Biomechanics of pitching with emphasis upon shoulder kinematics
Biomechanics of baseball pitching. A preliminary report
Valgus extension overload in the pitching elbow.
Kinetics of baseball pitching with implications about injury mechanisms.
Biomechanics of the elbow during baseball pitching.
An EMG analysis of the shoulder in pitching. A second report.
Wilson FD. Valgus extension overload in the pitching elbow. Am J Sports Med 1983;
An EMG analysis of the shoulder in throwing and pitching. A preliminary report
Relationship of biomechanical factors to baseball pitching velocity: within pitcher variation.
Computational aerodynamics of low Reynolds number plunging,pitching and flexible wings for MAV applications