- While that might seem a little too powerful, it's possible for opponents to shoot a jump-jetting opponent out of the air by focusing fire upon them.
虽然这似乎有点太强大,它的可能对手,拍摄出了喷射的对手出于对空气重点消防他们。 - The sunlight played upon the surface of the water.
Computer game with game saving including history data to allow for play reacquaintance upon restart of game
The case for causal influences of action videogame play upon vision and attention
An experimental study of the effects of play upon the dog–human relationship
Mothers, Fathers, and Siblings: A Comparison of Play Styles and Their Influence upon Infant Cognitive Level.
The Effects of Dramatic Play upon Cognitive Structure and Development
Pre-school Classroom Environment: Significant upon Childrens’ Play Behaviour?
Computerised notational analysis of the effects of the law changes in soccer upon patterns of play
Education for science and science for education: more than a play upon words
Effect of training with motion pictures versus flash cards upon football play recognition.
The effects of nondirective group play therapy upon the sociometric status and self-concept of selected second grade children /