- Due to the over-developments of real estate in Taiwan, Taiwanese government tried to promulgate the law of the floor space ratio to make better urban skylines of Taiwan.
SAS-jatkokurssi: Tilastollinen analyysi - Regressioresiduaalit
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Recent demographic history and present fine-scale structure in the Northwest Atlantic leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) turtle popu...
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Internal Flows using Dual Time Stepping Method
Unlike some benzodiazepines chronic cyclopyrrolone treatment does not induce physical dependence in mice
Spin Fluctuation Theory
An Overview of the Multi-Purpose elsA Flow Solver
Various Time Series Calculations
Influence of Fe-Co Ratio and Ni,Cr Dopants on Structural Evolution of Metallic Amorphous Alloys
Distribution of interstitial stem cells in Hydra.