plunge into投入;跳入;突然或仓促地开始某事
take the plunge冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤
plunge pool n. 瀑布下的水潭
- Water isn't the only thing plunging to the bottom of the gorge.
因此,落入谷底的并不仅仅是水流。 - Right now, the biggest problem facing our economy is plunging business investment.
当前我们经济面临的最大问题是商业投资的大幅下降。 - Miners are being laid off because of plunging mineral prices.
Jet Characteristics of a Plunging Airfoil
Large eddy simulation of spilling and plunging breakers
Dynamics of surf-zone turbulence in a strong plunging breaker
Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude Effects on the Wake of a Plunging Airfoil
Air Entrainment in the Developing Flow Region of Plunging Jets - Part 1: Theoretical Development
Three-dimensional Large Eddy Simulation of air entrainment under plunging breaking waves
Computational aerodynamics of low Reynolds number plunging,pitching and flexible wings for MAV applications
Turbulence transport, vorticity dynamics, and solute mixing under plunging breaking waves in surf zone
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Magnetized Thin Accretion Disks around Black Holes: Stress in the Plunging Region
Application of least square support vector machines in the prediction of aeration performance of plunging overfall jets from weirs