- Pneumaturia, fecaluria, and urine per rectum were considered pathognomonic, and only 3 patients did not have any of these symptoms.
PneumaturiaPneumaturiaPneumaturiaDiabetic PneumaturiaPNEUMATURIA IN DIABETES MELLITUSPneumaturia with report of a casePrimary pneumaturia, with a report of two casesPneumaturia due to gas-producing E. coli and urinary stasisPrimary diabetic pneumaturia diagnosed radiographically.Pneumaturia; report of a case in a diabetic with review of the literature.Emphysematous pyelonephritis: a rare cause of pneumaturiaCandidal urinary tract infection as a cause of pneumaturia.Trichouria, Pneumaturia, Urosepsis, and Bowel Fistulization After Pelviscopic Cystectomy of a Mature Ovarian Teratoma