PolyspermyFast block to polyspermy is electrically mediatedFast block to polyspermy in sea urchin eggs is electrically mediatedPolyspermy: effect of varying stimulation protocols and inseminating sperm concentrationsPolyspermy, egg size, and the fertilization kinetics of free-spawning marine invertebratesFertilization in fishes and the problem of polyspermySexual conflict and polyspermy under sperm-limited conditions: in situ evidence from field simulations with the free-spawning marine...Oviduct function in pigs, with particular reference to the pathological condition of polyspermyEffects of the Porcine Oviduct-Specific Glycoprotein on Fertilization, Polyspermy, and Embryonic Development In Vitro1Microtubule organization in the cow during fertilization, polyspermy, parthenogenesis, and nuclear transfer: the role of the sperm a...