The Polyzoan genus Ditaxiporina StachVI.—The Genotypes of certain Polyzoan GeneraZooidal Dimorphism in the Polyzoan Hippopodinella adpressa (Busk)On the Polyzoan Genus Hippomenella Canu & Bassler and its Genotype Lepralia mucronelliformis WatersBugula simplex Hincks, a Newly Recognized Polyzoan from British WatersExpriments on the Selection of Algal Subsrates by Polyzoan LarvaeSome ``Uniserial'' Membraniporine Polyzoan Genera and a New American Albian SpeciesThe effect of temperature on the photic responses of polyzoan larvaeExperiments on the influence of light on the behaviour of polyzoan larvaeNature and composition of the cuticle of the ectoproct polyzoan Scrupocellaria bertholetti