Molecular constitutive equations for a class of branched polymers: The pom-pom polymerDesigned synthesis of POM-organic frameworks from {Ni6PW9} building blocks under hydrothermal conditions.Ecosystem-Specific Patterns in the Relationship Between Zooplankton and POM or Microplankton δ13CThe Principles of Mathematics (PoM)A Method for Assessing the Quality of Proactive Operator Monitoring POM as a Safety Barrier in Service Company OperationsSurvey Constrained model predictive control: Stability and optimalityLattice-gas automata for the Navier-Stokes equation.Formulation for stable and efficient implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratingsEffects of blood-pressure measurement by the doctor on patient's blood pressure and heart rate.Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced transmittance matrix approach