Balloon dilatation of stenotic portacaval anastomosisTransjugular intrahepatic portacaval stent shunt: preliminary clinical resultsClinical investigation of the portacaval shunt. 3. The diagnosis of esophageal varicesEmergency portacaval shunt for control of hemorrhage from a parenchymal fracture after adult-to-adult living donor liver transplanta...Blood-brain neutral amino acid transport activity is increased after portacaval anastomosisEffect of acute ammonia intoxication on cerebral metabolism in rats with portacaval shuntsAmmonia‐induced brain edema and intracranial hypertension in rats after portacaval anastomosisChronic hyponatremia exacerbates ammonia-induced brain edema in rats after portacaval anastomosisInflammation and hepatic encephalopathy: Ibuprofen restores learning ability in rats with portacaval shuntsEFFECTS OF INSULIN, GLUCAGON, AND INSULIN/GLUCAGON INFUSIONS ON LIVER MORPHOLOGY AND CELL DIVISION AFTER COMPLETE PORTACAVAL SHUNT I...