- Modernism and postmodernism can scarcely speak to such concerns with a straight face.
现代主义和后现代主义很少严肃谈论这里的利害关系。 - Barthelme is a bridge linking modernism and postmodernism, and we can view the culture and spirit of American post-industrial era by the study on his novels.
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late ...
Liberatory Postmodernism and the Reenchantment of Consumption
A poetics of postmodernism: History, theory, fiction
Modernism, Post Modernism and Organizational Analysis 2: The Contribution of Michel Foucault
Complexity and post-modernism(Part Ⅰ)
Modernism, post modernism and organizational analysis: III. The contribution of Jacques Derrida.
A Poetics of Postmodernism?
Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism
Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory
Postmodernism and popular culture: a cultural history.