- People rose up against the despotic rule of their potentate.
Dev as 'Foreign Potentate'The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern PotentateThe sponsor : notes on a modern potentate"Irene of Athens: First Woman Potentate of the Roman Empire."Yolanda of Flanders: Latin Woman Potentate of the Roman EmpireIdentity, Authority, and Freedom: The Potentate and the TravelerHygelac's only daughter: a present, a potentate and a peaceweaver in Beowulf"An interesting eastern potentate"? Staatsaufführungen für den Schah von Persien in Berlin - 1873 und 1967The Chain of Friendship: Amiable Bard, Afflicted Pilgrim and Wondrous PotentateAn Unknown Model for Diirer's 'Youth kneeling before a Potentate' : Notes on the Creating Process of Diirer's Works during his Appre...