Predetermining postoperative hepatic function for hepatectomiesPredetermining visibility priority in 3-D scenes (Preliminary Report)Software prefetch system and method for predetermining amount of streamed dataResearch on Ration Predetermining Model in Computer Aided Time Quota Ration System Based on PrimitivesApproach to Partially Predetermining Molecular Electronic Structure. The Li He Interaction PotentialA Fast Algorithm for Image Registration without Predetermining CorrespondencesA fast algorithm for image registration without predetermining correspondencesAnalysis of the predetermining effect of a sex realizer by ovary transplantations in the monogenic fly Chrysomya rufifacies.The Scientific Discourse of Education: Predetermining the Lives of others — Foucault, Education, and ChildrenDiagnostic clinical and laboratory findings in response to predetermining bacterial pathogen: data from the meningitis registry.