Of Śüdras, Sütas, and Ślokas: Why is the Mahāabhārata Preeminently in the Anustubh Metre?
['Love'; preeminently a concern of the nurse!]
Of sudras, sutas, and slokas: Why is the 'Mahabharata' preeminently in the anustubh metre? (Sanskrit, Hindu literature)
Of Śūdras, Sūtas, and Ślokas: Why is the Mahābhārata preeminently in the anus + t + ubh metre?
Preeminently a Political Institution: the Right of Arizona Juries to Nullify The Law of Contributory Negligence
Gabriel Marcel's Body-as-a-Subject: A Preeminently Postmodern Notion
Clinical Study on the Influence of preeminently Ant depression Treatment on Rehabilitation in stroke
That Muskie Madness The beastly muskellunge is preeminently ugly, preternaturally ferocious and preposterously hard to catch, as the...
[Lead and fluorine: two preeminently polluting elements [in herbaceous and woody plants]]. [Italian]
['Love'; preeminently a concern of the nurse!].