- Jobbery crime is an extreme form of social corruption which has destoried the political probity and social justice.
职务犯罪是社会腐败的一种极端形式,它腐蚀政治清明,破坏经济发展,损害社会正义。 - But there is scant risk of too much fiscal probity in Washington.
但在华盛顿再多财政廉洁也没有大风险。 - The administrator gained much public praise because of his efficiency and probity.
这位行政官因其高效和廉洁而受到了人民的称赞。 - Probity will command respect everywhere.
为人正直无论在哪里都会受人尊敬。 - A judge must be a person of unquestioned probity.
Privacy, probity and public interest.
Protocols, probity, and publication.
On the Truth and Probity of Metaphor
NGOs, Politics, Projects and Probity: A Policy Implementation Perspective
French cancer charity introduces new rules to restore probity
Probity: a protein identification algorithm with accurate assignment of the statistical significance of the results.
Professionalization and Probity in a Patrimonial State: Labor Inspectors in the Dominican Republic
Culture, compassion and clinical neglect: probity in the NHS after Mid Staffordshire.
“Biggest Scandal in Canadian History": HRDC Audit Starts Probity War
Social Capital Theory and Administrative Reform: Maintaining Ethical Probity in Public Service