[Procedural memory]Procedural memory[Procedural memory].Organizational Routines Are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a Laboratory StudyEffects of Early and Late Nocturnal Sleep on Declarative and Procedural MemoryActivity of striatal neurons reflects dynamic encoding and recoding of procedural memoriesMemory disorders associated with Huntington's disease: verbal recall, verbal recognition and procedural memory.Procedural memory in Parkinson's disease: Impaired motor but not visuoperceptual learningA daytime nap containing solely non-REM sleep enhances declarative but not procedural memoryDeclarative and procedural memory in bipolar disorder.Working, declarative and procedural memory in specific language impairmentOff-line processing: reciprocal interactions between declarative and procedural memories.Procedural memory stimulation in Alzheimer's disease: impact of a training programme