Rammed earth sample production: context, recommendations and consistencyBiogas home-production assessment using a selective sample of organic vegetable waste. A preliminary study.Gender Differences in Divergent Thinking: Use of the Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production on an Egyptian SampleThe relationship of clinical lameness with days in milk, lactation number, and milk production in a sample of Virginia dairy herdsContribution of Days Since Bred, Herd Average, and Sample-Day Production to Accuracy in Projecting Lactation RecordsAssessment of “storage correction” required for in situ 14CO production in air sample cylindersIce sample production techniques and indentation tests for laboratory experiments simulating ship collisions with iceProduction materials sample tester using electrostriction or magnetostrictionAutomatic production of sample and production warpsLatest results from a mass-production sample of MRPCs for the ALICE TOF detector