racial profiling种族定性;种族轮廓
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.
High-resolution profiling of histone methylations in the human genome.Gene expression profiling predicts clinical ...Profiling of complex microbial populations by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplifie...Alizadeh, A. A. et al. Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403, 503-511Tissue microarrays for high-throughput molecular profiling of tumor specimens.Classification of human lung carcinomas by mRNA expression profiling reveals distinct adenocarcinoma subclassesTissue microarrays for high-throughput profiling in molecular oncologyClassification of Human Lung Carcinomas by mRNA Expression ProfilingFunctional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome.Expression profiling reveals off-target gene regulation by RNAi.