Promotive effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on the yield of several cropsPromotive Effects of a Silk Film on Epidermal Recovery from Full-Thickness Skin WoundsPromotive and Prohibitive Voice Behavior in Organizations: A Two-wave Longitudinal ExaminationRisk and promotive effects in the explanation of persistent serious delinquency in boysPromotive effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid on the growth and photosynthesis of Spirulina platensisPsychological Antecedents of Promotive and Prohibitive Voice: A Two-Wave ExaminationThe promotive effect of smoke derived from burnt native vegetation on seed germination of Western Australian plantsRisk and promotive factors in families, schools, and communities: a contextual model of positive youth development in adolescenceRisk and promotive effects in the explanation of persistent serious delinquency in boys. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycholo...The Academic Achievement of African American Students During Early Adolescence: An Examination of Multiple Risk, Promotive, and Prot...