in proportion成比例;相称
a large proportion of一大部分
direct proportion n. 正比;正比例
out of proportion不成比例
mixing proportion混合比,配合比例
inverse proportion n. 比例;反比例
in proportion as adv. 按…比例;依…程度而变
sense of proportion判断推动轻重缓急的能力
geometric proportion等比
proportion by weight重量比
- Other suitable material may be used provided that the parts are proportioned to comparable design factors.
Proportioned resistance exercise servo system
Precisely proportioned: intertidal barnacles alter penis form to suit coastal wave action
A computer aided tolerancing model: proportioned assembly clearance volume
Elastic properties of reinforced solids: Some theoretical principles
Mechanisms of Disease: Transforming Growth Factor ß in Tissue Fibrosis
On the input-output stability of time-varying nonlinear feedback systems Part one: Conditions derived using concepts of loop gain, c...
Fetal nutrition and adult disease.
Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery. Technical Report.
Tongue evolution in the lungless salamanders, family plethodontidae. II. Function and evolutionary diversity
Mechanisms of Trace Metal Transport in Rivers