Proterogynous umbelliferæTerritorial Behavior of the Striped Parrotfish Scarus Croicensis Bloch (Scaridae)THE MORPHOLOGY AND RELATIONSHIPS OF DALECHAMPIA SCANDENS (EUPHORBIACEAE)Floral morphological studies in the south African Cyphia stenopetala diels (Cyphiaceae).New records of helminths from New Guinea, including description of three new cestode species, one in the new genus Wallabicestus n.g.Sexual reproduction of Cinachyra tarentina (porifera, demospongiae)Nectar production in the pollen flower of Anemone nemorosa in comparison with other Ranunculaceae and Magnolia (Magnoliaceae)Nectar secretion and nectaries in basal angiosperms, magnoliids and non-core eudicots and a comparison with core eudicotsOsservazioni sui fenotipi sessuali di (Pallas)Reproductive biology of the dusky grouper (Lowe, 1834)