- He gave it up partly for prudential reasons.
出于部分谨慎的原因,他放弃了。 - So it makes sense for the central banks to be in charge of the macro-prudential bit.
所以让中央银行来负责宏观上谨慎的目标是行得通的。 - There is no doubt that he makes a prudential plan.
- The Prudential has persuaded its bankers and investors to take the financial risk.
Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough?
The prudential regulation of banks
Prudential regulation of banks
A theory of systemic risk and design of prudential bank regulation
The prudential regulation of banks
Using Market Information in Prudential Bank Super - vision: A Review of the U
Andrew Crockett: Marrying the micro- and macro-prudential dimensions of financial stability
Overborrowing, Financial Crises and 'Macro-prudential' Taxes
What Can (Macro-) Prudential Policy do to Support Monetary Policy?
Financial crises and macro-prudential policies