"PSYCHANALYSIS"Psychanalysis :PSYCHANALYSISPsychanalysis and the psychoses.Psychanalysis, Its Theories and Practical Application.Language Theory of Psychanalysis of LacanThe Black bible of Psychanalysis: Living better without FreudPluralism and Unity? Methods of Research in PsychanalysisPoreus en marginaal. [Review of the book Gender & Psychanalysis. Vol. 1, nr. 1, . ., 1996]Psychanalysis, Its Theories and Practical Application. By A. A. Brill, Ph. B., M. D., 3d Edition. (Philadelphia and London: W.B. Sau...From subject's hysteresis... to the trouble in the neoliberal culture : tentative of psychanalysisThe Psychoanalytic Method Development At The Begining Of Psychanalysis Study (1887- 1896) ; A Construção do Método Psicanalítico...A Comparative Study of Self-conception in Psychanalysis and the Buddhism [精神分析与佛学自我观的比较研究], Master thesis, Religious ...