Heart rate and match analysis in pre-pubescent soccer players.
Propagation of focal motor seizures in the pubescent monkey.
Study on dynamics of pubescent hornbeam population in Karst mountain of Guiyang [China]
Red blood cell variables in highly trained pubescent athletes: a comparative analysis
Drought-induced adaptation of the xylem in Scots pine and pubescent oak
Driving factors of a vegetation shift from Scots pine to pubescent oak in dry Alpine forests
Natural Enemy Activity on Glandular Pubescent Potato Plants in the Greenhouse: An Unreliable Predictor of Effects in the Field
Transphyseal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature Pubescent Adolescents
Photosynthetic Performance and Water Relations in Young Pubescent Oak (Quercus pubescens) Trees during Drought Stress and Recovery
Variation in the radial patterns of sap flux density in pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens) and its implications for tree and stand tr...