- They were fighting together in the public bar.
他们在一个大众酒吧里打架。 - Don't fool away your time in public houses.
不要把你的时间浪费在酒吧里。 - So Tamar went on living uncomforted in her brother's house.
他玛就孤孤单单地住在他胞兄押沙龙家里。 - It will be surrounded by a moat and will house several hundred apartments, a luxury hotel, a revolving restaurant, a gym, a doctor's office and a tanning salon.
Public house
Where do public house managers come from? Some survey evidence
Trends and tensions in UK public house management.
Change and continuity in UK public house retailing
Branding in the UK public house sector: recent developments
The development of the modern UK public house
The World of the Tavern: The Public House in Early Modern Europe
The development of the modern UK public house: Part 3: The emergence of the modern public house 1989 - 2005
The development of the modern UK public house: Part 1: The traditional British public house of the twentieth century
A cross-sectional study of a program for HIV infection control among public house workers.
"A problem of supervision": moral geographies of the nineteenth-century British public house