
  • v.

    浮岩,浮石,轻石(轻而多孔,可以去除皮肤污垢或使皮肤光滑,其粉剂可作清洁剂或抛光剂)( pumice的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    pumice[ 'pʌmis ]

    • n.a light glass formed on the surface of some lavas; used as an abrasive

      同义词:pumice stone

    • v.rub with pumice, in order to clean or to smoothen


    1. Add only a little alcohol and pumice as you work.
    2. Lake Taupo's shore is covered with pieces of pumice.
    3. The wall was built by piling up pumice stones.
    4. Pumice stones are used in the wash to create a worn look.


    The effect of argon laser irradiation on etched and pumiced human enamel [electronic resource] : an in vitro study /
    Comparative Study of the Effect of Acid Etching on Enamel Surface Roughness between Pumiced and Non-pumiced Teeth
    [Histologic images in pumiced and non-pumiced burn patients in Africa]
    The effectiveness of argon laser irradiation of pumiced and etched enamel on decalcification during orthodontic treatment: an in viv...
    Preliminary surface analysis of etched, bleached, and normal bovine enamel
    Effect of varying etching times on the bond strength of ceramic brackets
    A clinical scanning electron microscope study of tooth surface preparation and bonding
    Comparative effectiveness of cryotherapy and salicylic acid for plantar warts
    O efeito do jateamento do esmalte na força de adesão na colagem de braquetes The effect of air abrasion in enamel adhesion of orth...
    Shear bond strength and etching pattern of self-etching bonding agents on ground and intact enamel