- Since then thousands of Turks have discovered that the blonde with the degree in economics is no pushover.
从那时以来,成千上万的土耳其人就已发现这位有经济学学位的金发女人决不是一个没主见的人。 - The examination was a pushover, and I knew all the answers.
静力弹塑性分析(pushover analysis)方法的理论研究
A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands for buildings
Pros and cons of a pushover analysis of seismic performance evaluation
静力弹塑性分析(Pushover Analysis)的基本原理和计算实例
静力弹塑性分析(pushover analysis)的方法及在程序上的实现
Advanced inelastic static (pushover) analysis for earthquake applications
Adaptive Spectra-Based Pushover Procedure for Seismic Evaluation of Structures
A modal pushover analysis for estimating seismic demands for buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn
A study of load pattern selection of pushover analysis and influence of higher modes
Random Pushover Analysis Method and Its Application in Earthquake-resistant Reliability Evaluation of Structural Systems