- The widow leapt into the funeral pyre.
这个寡妇跳进火葬柴堆。 - The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river.
Molecular cloning of the pyrE gene from the extreme thermophile Thermus flavus.
The nucleotide sequence of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyrE-crc-rph region and the purification of the crc gene product.
Development of a gene knockout system for the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii by use of the pyrE gene.
Ruthenium(III) Chloride Catalyzed Oxidation of Pyrene and 2,7‐Disubstituted Pyrenes: An Efficient, One‐Step Synthesis of Pyrene‐4...
Bioremediation of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a review of the microbial degradation of benzo[a]pyrene.
Induction of transformation and continuous cell lines from normal human mammary epithelial cells after exposure to benzo[a]pyrene.
Application of light-emitting diodes in bioreactors: flashing light effects and energy economy in algal culture (Chlorella pyrenoido...
Five Listeria monocytogenes genes preferentially expressed in infected mammalian cells: plcA, purH, purD, pyrE and an arginine ABC t...
Relationship between excision repair and the cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of the 'anti' 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide of benzo[a]pyrene in...
Stable isotope evidence for large-scaleseawater infiltration in a regional metamorphic terrane: The TroisSeigneurs massif, Pyrenees,...