Ramifying feedback networks, cross-scale interactions, and emergent quasi individuals in conway's game of lifeRamifying feedback networks, cross-scale interactions, and emergent quasi individuals in Conway's game of Life"The branches into which bacteriology is now ramifying"revisited.POLYMERIZATION PROCESS USING AN ESTER RAMIFYING AGENT AND POLYMERS THEREFROMCytoskeletal actin dynamics shape a ramifying actin network underpinning immunological synapse formationIntraluminal endoprosthesis for ramifying the ducts of a human or animal body and method of manufacture thereofMorphological comparisons between outer and inner ramifying alpha cells of the albino rat retinaTypical bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors: a ramifying bronchial presentation with metastatic behavior.The potential impact of the neurosciences on religious and spiritual education: ramifying from the impact on values educationThe Fluent Calculus - A Specification Language for Robots with Sensors in Nondeterministic, Concurrent, and Ramifying Environments