range hood

[reindʒ hud]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    range hood

    • n.exhaust hood over a kitchen range


    Range hood
    Range hood
    Range hood
    A Range Hood Experiment Simulation System Based on LabVIEW
    Orthogonal Design on Range Hood with Air Curtain and Its Effects on Kitchen Environment
    Pollutant removing device and dual-air curtain range hood using the device
    Development and characterization of an inclined quad-vortex range hood
    Influence on the Kitchen Environment Characteristics by the Working Range Hood
    Numerical Analysis on Thermal Environment Evaluation in Kitchen with Range Hood
    A Numerical Study on the Performance Improvement of Kitchen Range Hood by Air Induction and Air Curtain
    The Characteristic of Noise Source Caused by the Range Hood's Impeller and the Relevant Noise Controlled Technique
    Application of Power Line Communication in Coordinated Controller of Gas-Oven and Range Hood
    Static condition differences in conventional and inclined air-curtain range hood flow and spillage characteristics.