- His last sum of money went down the rathole when he tried to save an old friend from bankruptcy.
Rathole Elimination BHA Success in Norwegian Seas
Heating system for rathole oil well
Down the Rathole? Public Support for US Foreign Aid
Review of rathole determination in relation to DrawDown and live capacity of gravity reclaim stockpiles
Downhole Drilling Dynamics of Innovative Rathole Elimination BHA in Hole-Enlargement-While-Drilling Operations
Achieving Directional Control and Rathole Elimination While Under-Reaming Depleted Formations with a Rotary Steerable System
Advanced Dynamic Drillstring Modeling Delivers Efficient Underreaming and Rathole Elimination Solutions
First Ever 14 ¾ X 17 ½-in Rathole Elimination in Gullfaks Satellite Using Downhole Drilling Mechanics and Dynamics Tool and Latest...
Intelligent Near-Bit Reamer Affords Same-Trip Drilling, Hole Enlargement and Rathole Reduction for Optimal Deepwater Well Construction
First Successful Single-Trip Hole-Enlargement-While-Drilling and Rathole Elimination Operation in Indonesia Using Integrated Borehol...