150 Jahre Bergbau Ratten - St. KathreinCLOCKED SWITCHING MODE POWER SUPPLY ELEMENT PROVIDED WITH A COILDC/DC CONVERTER COMPRISING SEVERAL VOLTAGE OUTPUTSProjekt: Erweiterung Windpark SteinriegelA percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre humanização do parto e nascimento La percepción del equipo de enfermería sobre human...Riot and RevolutionChanges in the concentration of the calcium-binding parvalbumin in cross-reinnervated rat muscles. Comparison of biochemical with ph...Variable pH dependence of the myosin-ATPase in different muscles of the rat.The ansa cervicalis and the infrahyoid muscles of the ratAnalysis of the Ca2+-binding parvalbumin in rat skeletal muscles of different thyroid states.