Reagin synthesis in inbred strains of rats.Reagin-like Antibodies in Animals Immune to Helminth ParasitesBasophils in bronchial asthma with reference to reagin-type allergyPotentiated reagin response to egg albumin and conalbumin in Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infected ratsReagin-mediated asthma in rhesus monkeys and relation to bronchial cell histamine release and airway reactivity to carbocholineInhibition of reagin-mediated PCA reactions in monkeys and histamine release from human leukocytes by human IgG4 subclass.Blocking of Prausnitz-Küstner sensitization with reagin by normal human β 2A globulin ☆Effect of Combinations of Inbred Strain, Antigen, and Antigen Dose on Immune Responsiveness and Reagin Production in the MouseThe laboratory impact of changing syphilis screening from the rapid-plasma reagin to a treponemal enzyme immunoassay: a case-study f...Effect of combinations of inbred strain, antigen, and antigen dose on immune responsiveness and reagin production in the mouse. A po...