Living Up to High Standards Brusveen, Snyder Build on Neuqua Valley's Tradition of Backcourt ExcellenceSWEET SIXTEEN; (1) ILLINOIS 77, (12) UW-MILWAUKEE 53; Guarded optimism; Backcourt returns Illinois to form - sort of.(SPORTS)Guards excel in scrimmage; Transfers play well together as backcourt-dominated squad tops group led by the Gophers' returning big me...Opponents have answers for Grier & Co. The offense that was expected to flow out from a veteran backcourt has not materialized.(SPOR...St. Ignatius expectations on the rise // Backcourt keys challenge for GCAC titleBob DaviesCoke, Red Bull Seek 10th WinsEffects of the playing surface on plantar pressures and potential injuries in tennis.Effect of peridomestic environments on repeated infestation by preadult Aedes aegypti in urban premises in Nha Trang City, Vietnam.Electric indicator system for ball games