Recto & Verso. FragmentsRECTO/VERSO COPY-PROTECTED SECURITY DOCUMENTRecto vaginal septum adenomyotic nodules: a series of 500 casesTwo Studies of Standing Female Nude [recto]Recto (a): Frei und Treu! heil schuschnigg!: Verso (b): Für Österreich? Selbstverständlich! Ja!Obstructive defecation (O.D.): a failure of recto-anal coordinationLaparoscopic promontory sacral colpopexy: is the posterior, recto-vaginal, mesh mandatory?Mucopexy-Recto Anal Lifting (Mu-RAL): a standardized minimally invasive method of managing symptomatic hemorrhoids, with an innovati...Molecular analysis of jejunal, ileal, caecal and recto-sigmoidal human colonic microbiota using 16S rRNA gene libraries and terminal...Laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of an isolated epithelioid trophoblastic tumor in recto-uterine pouch: Laparoscopic management ...