- Possibly make rapid recuperation like shamanistic rage?
能不能把急速恢复做成像萨满的释放怒火那样啊? - The old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.
Optical dating: Recuperation after bleaching
Survivor Discourse: Transgression or Recuperation?
Recuperation of a degraded Amazonian landscape: forest recovery and agricultural restoration.
Does sleep fragmentation impact recuperation? A review and reanalysis.
Recuperation, Rehabilitation and the Residential Option: The Brentwood Centre for Mothers and Children
Rapid vertebrate recuperation in the Karoo Basin of South Africa following the End-Permian extinction
Recuperation of Native Bee Populations in Blueberry Fields Exposed to Drift of Fenitrothion From Forest Spray Operations in New Brun...
Shakespeare and domestic loss : forms of deprivation, mourning, and recuperation
Ghrelin levels in obesity and anorexia nervosa: effect of weight reduction or recuperation.
Single and combined effects of air, road, and rail traffic noise on sleep and recuperation.